Thursday, November 28, 2019

Appendices Sample Essays

Appendices Sample Essays Appendices Sample Essay Appendices Sample Essay APPENDICES a. User’s Manual USERS PAGE KING KERWIN APARTELLE Tabular Links 5 4 3 1 2 Figure a. 1 Tabular Links The form consists of the following tabs: 1. Home When home page link is pressed it will directly go to the homepage that contains some information about King Kerwin Apartelle and a slideshow of different photos in King Kerwin Apartelle. This is also called a start page or local file that automatically loads when a web browser  starts or when the browsers home button or â€Å"home† link is pressed. 2. About Us – When about us link is pressed it will directly go to the about us page that contains company profile of King Kerwin Apartelle and their services offered. 3. Contact Us When contact us link is pressed it will directly go to the contact us page that contains textboxes which allows the user to have an inquiry or send an inquiries, questions, verification and concerns about the web site or about the process of the king kerwin. 4. Gallery – When gallery link is pressed it will directly go to the sample picture of each rooms of King Kerwin Apartelle and Transient House. . Booking – When booking link is pressed it will directly go to the reservation page that contains instructions on how to have a reservation in the rooms. A cancel reservation and reservation form link is also included in the reservation page. King Kerwin Room ; Rates Figure a. 2 Room ; Rates Contact Us Figure a. 3 Contact Us The contact us form contains different textbox with a different la bels on it. This will allow the user to contact the administrator or the manager of King Kerwin Apartelle for some concerns or questions regarding to King Kerwin Apartelle. It has a reset button which shall reset all fields when it is pressed and a send button which shall send the inquiries of the client to the administrator’s e-mail address or manager’s e-mail address. Gallery Figure a. 4 Gallery Gallery page contains photos and highlights of each room of King Kerwin Apartelle and Transient House. Check Availability Figure a. 5 Check Availability Page Check Availability form shows the availability of each room Online Reservation Form Figure a. 6 Online Reservation Form Online Reservation Form contains different fields or textboxes that the user or the clients must fill out. Some fields are required in order for the system process it correctly and in order for the user to complete his/her reservation. The reservation shall be saved to database and send to user’s email address. Log-in Page 1 2 Figure a. 7 Log-in Page The Log-in page holds the whole system security. The log in page is where the admin gives personal information to be identified by the system and allow access to users. The admin inputs the user name and password and clicks the Log In button (1) to enter the admin main page. The system has the Forgot Password (2) ADMIN PAGE Admin Side Bar Figure a. Admin The form consists of the following links: 1. Admin Home – When admin home link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the home page of the admin 2. Logout When logout link is pressed, the system shall log-off and shows again the log-in form. 3. View Reservation – When view reservation link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the view reservation page that c onsists of all reservation has been made by the client in tabular form. 4. Rooms – When rooms link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the room page that consist of add new room, edit room and delete room. . Promo;Event – When promo;event link is pressed, the page directly load at the promo;event form that you can post Promo and Event of a company. VIEW RESERVATION Figure a. 8 View Reservation This form is for viewing all the reservation’s information of the client taken from online reservation form. The admin can also edit, cancel the reservation and print all the reservations or print reports. ADMIN EDIT PAGE Figure a. 9 Admin Edit Page After clicking the edit, the list of blocks numbers on king kewin shall show which has different list of lots and information inside the link. In this form, the system allows the admin to edit and update all information in the field of the lots per block. King Kerwin Printable Report Figure a. 10 Printable Report After clicking the print report link on the view reservation page, the system shall generate a report for viewing and printing purposes for record keeping. Promo and Event Figure a. 10 promo and event Shows the promo and event of king kerwin Apartelle and Transient House b. Source Code INDEX ;html ; ;head; lt;meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 ;title;KING KERWIN ;/title; ;link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /; ;link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png /; ;! START OF CODE FOR CALENDAR script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/zapatec. js/script script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/calendar. js/script script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/calendar-en. s/script link rel=stylesheet href=system. css type=text/c ss/ SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. aptureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. ss /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header /divdiv id = gc_bg div id=king_menu ulli class=current a href=index. php Home/a/li lia href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. hpContact Us/a/li /ul/div/divdiv id = gallerya href=# class = showimg src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5704. jpg alt=King Kerwin width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3King Kerwin/h3 A Business Hotel with a touch of Home in the Heart of Olongapo City //aa href=# img src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5697. jpg alt=hospitality width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3Hospitality/h3 staffs, and crew that will treat you well //a a href=#img src=images/family_photo4. ng alt=lobby width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3Lobby/h3A full blast! Elegant lobby that will make you booked in the hotel//a a href=#img src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5710. jpg alt=lobby width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3/h3//a div class=captiondiv class=content/div/div/div /div ! End Of Container /div div id=king _main lt;div class=templatemo_container div id=king_left div class=c_left h2Welcome to King Kerwin/h2h6 iApartelle and Transient House/i/h6table border=0 id = tayotrtd align = justify h13 Strategically sitnated in the heart of Olongapo City . Giving guests an easy access to SBMA , Beaches, entertaiment and major are of attractions. King Kerwin Transient house also accessible in market (near across the street)china Drug Store and Hospital. Enjoy an overnight or long term stay with a choice of our clean, spacious and comportable rooms. With the King Kerwins extraordinary way of pampering, youll gardly feel away from homeExperience a distinctly indulgent and comforting atmosphere where your every need is personally met. With our efficient and friendly concierge, professional housekeeping services and otherspecial courtesies, we make you feel the extra attention that touches you from the start to the end ofKing Kerwin Apartelle is simply like a home, a second home to our guest. Can stay for a while or even for a long term vacation. King Kerwin has the facility for Seminar, Weddings / Birthday and parties. ;/h13;;/td;;/tr;;/table;;/div; ;/div; ;! end of left div id=king_right div class=c_right table border = 0 trtda href = gallery. phpimg src = images/photo. png height = 42px/td/tr/table table border = 0 background = images/gilid. ng width = 250pxtrtd align = centerbr /bh14Easy Direct Booking br / at Low Rates/h14/bbr //td/tr div class=cleaner/div div class=cleaner/div /div ! End Of Container div id = king_main_bottom/div div id = king_footercenter a href = index. php| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. hp About Us | /a a href = contact. php Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/div/body amp;gt;/html RESERVATION ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); $arrival =$_POST[checkin_monthday]; $outarrival=$_POST[checkout_monthday]; $departure = $_POST[checkin_year_month]; $outdeparture = $_POST[checkout_year_month]; $varmont = substr($departure, -1); $varyear = substr($departure, 0, 4); outvarmont = substr($outdeparture, -1); $outvaryear = substr($outdeparture, 0, 4); $room = $_POST[room]; $dates = $_POST[date1]; $datee = $_POST[date2]; $a = date(yy - mm - dd,strtotime($dates)); //$sql = mysql_query(select * from tbl_reservation where roomtype = $room and datestart =$dates or dateend = $a and dateend = $datee') or die(wla ka d2); $count = mysql_num_rows($sql); if($count == 0) {echo script alert( Reservation Available); /script; } else {echo script alert(not available. ); /script; echo script location. href=room. hp; /script;} ? html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Langu age=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. ullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Inv alid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script lt;script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script /visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document . onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT lt;script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. hp Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. png / Reservation /h2 centerdiv id = king lt;form id=form1 name=form1 method=post action=verify. php onsubmit=return Ako_Validat or() table border=0 id = tayo trtd/td/trtr tdName: /tdtdinput type=text name=fullname id=fullname class=inquiry_input width = 50//td /trtrtdContact: /tdtdinput type=text name=contact id=cel onKeyPress=return isNumberKey(event) onKeyDown=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); onKeyUp=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. ountdown,11); class=inquiry_input maxlength=11i11 Digits Only/i/td/tr tr tdEmail Address:/td tdinput type=text name=email id=email class=inquiry_input/i(e. g. [emailprotected] com)/i/td /trtr tdAddress: /tdtdinput type=text name=address id=address class=inquiry_input width = 50//td /trtrtdCheck-In: /td td? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); choinput type = text name = arrival value = $arrival $departure readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innamemonth value = $varmont readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innameyear value = $varyear readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innam eday value = $arrival readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnamemonth value = $outvarmont readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnameyear value = $outvaryear readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnameday value = $outarrival readonly; ? gt; /td/trtr tdlabel class=frmLabelCheck-Out:/label/tdtd ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,);mysql _select_db(db_kerwin,$conn);$arrival=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[checkout_monthday]);$departure=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[checkout_year_month]); echoinput type = text name = departure value = $arrival $departure readonly;? /td/trtr tdRoom Type: /tdtd ? php conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,);mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); $room = $_POST[room]; echoinput type = text name = roomtype value = $room; ? /td/trtr tdNumber of Person: /tdtd input type=text name=personnum id=num onKeyPress=return isNumberKey(event) onKeyDown=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); onKeyUp=limitText(this. form. li mitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); class=inquiry_input maxlength=1/td /tr tr lt;td Message: /td td textarea name=mess id=message cols=25 rows=10 maxlength=1000 onkeyup=limiter()/textarea /td/td/trtrtd input type=submit name=submit id=inquiry_submit value= //td tdinput type=reset name=inquiry_reset id=inquiry_submit2 value= //td /tr/table/form script type=text/javascript src=js/calcodes. js/script /div /center ! End Of right /div lt;div class=cleaner/div /div ! end of sidebar div class=cleaner/div div class=cleaner/div /div ! End Of Container div id = king_main_bottom/div div id = king_footer center a href = index. php| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. php About Us | /a a href = contact. hp Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/body /html CHECKAVAILABILITY html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html ; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript unction Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. ess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }re turn true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode f (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limit Field. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. ubstring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. ll) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElem entById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. s/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. hp target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div id=login_form h5nbsp;/h5 ce nter link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=. /reservation_files/calendar. css form action=book. hp id=reservation-form name=reservation-form method=post table cellspacing=2tbody tr? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn)l $sql = mysql_query(Select * from tbl_room where id=$_GET295); while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {echo input type = hidden name = room value = $r[roomtype];}? /trtrtdlabelCheck In:input type = text name = date1 //label/td /trtrtd select id=checkin_day ame=checkin_monthday class=checkin_day onchange=checkDateOrder(this, #39;checkin_monthday#39;, #39;checkin_year_month#39;, #39;checkout_monthday#39;, #39;checkout_year_month#39;); updateDaySelect(this); option class=day prompt value=0Day/option option value=11/optionoption value=22/optionoption value=33/optionoption value=44/optionoption value=55/optionoption value=66/optionoption value=77/optionoption value=88/optionoption value=99/optionoption value=1010/optionoption value= 1111/optionoption value=1212/optionoption value=13 selected=selected13/optionoption value=1414/optionoption value=1515/optionoption value=1616/optionoption value=1717/optionoption value=1818/optionoption value=1919/optionoption value=2020/optionoption value=2121/optionoption value=2222/optionoption value=2323/optionoption value=2424/optionoption value=2525/optionoption value=2626/optionoption alue=2727/optionoption value=2828/optionoption value=2929/optionoption value=3030/optionoption value=3131/option/select select id=checkin_year_month name=checkin_year_month class=checkin_year_month onchange=checkDateOrder(this, #39;checkin_monthday#39;, #39;checkin_year_month#39;, #39;checkout_monthday#39;, #39;checkout_year_month#39;); updateDaySelect(this); option class=month prompt value=0Month/option option value=2011-1January 11/optionoption value=2011-2February 11/optionoption value=2011-3March 11/optionoption value=2011-4April 11/optionoption value=2011-5May 11/optionoption value=2011-6J une 11/optionoption value=2011-7July 11/optionoption value=2011-8August 11/optionoption value=2011-9September 11/optionoption value=2011-10October 11/optionoption value=2011-11November 11/option /select a class=calender inlineJsRequired onclick=showCalendar(this, #39;calendar#39;, #39;checkin#39;); href=javascript:void(0);img title=Open calendar and pick a date alt=calendar src=. /reservation_files/button-calender. png width=21 height=18/a /td/trtr lt;tdlabelCheck Out:input type = text name = date2 //label/td /trtrtd select id=checkout_monthday class=checkout_day onchange=updateDaySelect(this); name=checkout_monthday option class=day prompt selected= value=0Day/option option value=11/optionoption value=22/optionoption value=33/optionoption value=44/optionoption value=55/optionoption value=66/optionoption value=77/optionoption value=88/optionoption value=99/optionoption value=1010/optionoption value=1111/optionoption value=1212/optionoption value=13 selected=selected13/optionoption value=1414/optionoption value=1515/optionoption alue=1616/optionoption value=1717/optionoption value=1818/optionoption value=1919/optionoption value=2020/optionoption value=2121/optionoption value=2222/optionoption value=2323/optionoption value=2424/optionoption value=2525/optionoption value=2626/optionoption value=2727/optionoption value=2828/optionoption value=2929/optionoption value=3030/optionoption value=3131/option/select select id=checkout_year_month class=checkout_year_month onchange=updateDaySelect(this); name=checkout_year_month option class=month prompt selected= value=0Month/option option value=2011-1January 11/optionoption value=2011-2February 11/optionoption value=2011-3March 11/optionoption value=2011-4April 11/optionoption value=2011-5May 11/optionoption value=2011-6June 11/optionoption value=2011-7July 11/optionoption value=2011-8August 11/optionoption value=2011-9September 11/optionoption value=2011-10October 11/optionoption value=2011-11November 11/option/select a class=calender inlineJsRequired onclick=showCalendar(this, #39;calendar#39;, #39;checkout#39;); href=javascript:void(0);img title=Open calendar and pick a date alt=calendar src=. /reservation_files/button-calender. ng width=21 height=18/a /td/tr trtd colspan=2 nowrap= height=15px/td/tr trtd input class=button type=submit value=Check Availability /input/td/tr /tbody/table/form /centerdiv id=calendar/div script type=text/javascript src=. /reservation_files/calendar. js/scriptscript type=text/javascript // ! [CDATA[ var calendar = new Object(); var tr = new Object(); tr. nextMonth = Next; tr. prevMonth = Previous; tr. closeCalendar = Close; tr. url = kingkerwin. com; tr. title = ; tr. cons = themes/x-brown/images/; var months = [January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December]; var days = [Mon,Ma,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su]; var days3 = [Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun]; var $t_hotels = Hotels. toLowerCase(); var b_today = Today; checkDateOrder(document. getElem entById(checkin_day), checkin_monthday, checkin_year_month, checkout_monthday, checkout_year_month); // ]] /script script src=. /reservation_files/jquery-1. 2. 6. min. js type=text/javascript/script /div /div center a href = index. hp| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. php About Us | /a a href = contact. php Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/body /html SALES and RENTING html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. ss rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. full name. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! sNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. ndexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-m ail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } unction limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); documen t. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. nmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascrip t src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div lt;div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. ng /Room rates for Overnight stay: for 12 hrs /h2div id=jr_left div class=a_left/div div class=c_leftdiv class=sb_title1/div div class=sb_contentdiv id=inquiry_form ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); error_reporting(0); $page_name=newuser. php; $start=$_GET[start]; if(strlen($start) 0 and ! is_numeric($start)){ echo Data Erro r; exit; } $eu = ($start 0); $limit = 3; $this1 = $eu + $limit; $back = $eu $limit; $next = $eu + $limit; $query2= SELECT * FROM tbl_message; $result2=mysql_query($query2); echo mysql_error(); nume=mysql_num_rows($result2); $query= SELECT * FROM tbl_message ORDER by id DESC limit $eu, $limit ; $result=mysql_query($query); echo mysql_error(); if(mysql_num_rows($result)! =0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo h10. $r[name]. /h10. br; echo nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. h14. $r[description]. /h14. br;echo img src=images/gallery/. $r[picture]. class=banner_right. /tdbrbr; }echo /table;echo /form;} else {echo no record found! ; }} else{switch($_GET[action]) { ase save:mysql_query(INSERT INTO tbl_message (name,picture,price) values ($_POST[name],$_POST[picture],$_POST[price],now()));header(location:newuser. php); break; case delete: mysql_query(DELETE FROM tbl_message WHERE id=$_GET295); header(location:newuser. php); break; case edit: $q = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM tbl_message WHERE id=$_GET295); $r = mysql_fetch_array($q); echo form action=newuser. php? action=update method=postid =form1 name = form1 table border=0trtd align=centerinput type=hidden name=id value=$r295/td/tr trtd valign=topName:/td lt;tdinput type=text name=name value=$r[name]/td/trtr td valign=topPicture:/td tdinput type=file name=picture value=$r[picture]/td/tr trtd valign=topPrice:/td tdinput type=text name=price value=$r[price]/td/tr trtd colspan=2 align=centerinput type=submit value=Saveinput type=button onclick=self. location=newuser. php value=Cancel / /td /tr/table/form; break; case update: $id = $_POST[id]; $name = $_POST[name]; $picture = $_POST[picture]; $price = $_POST[price]; ysql_query(UPDATE tbl_message SET name=$name,picture=$picture,price=$price WHERE id=$id); header(location:newuser. php); break;}} ECHOBR; ? /div/div/div/div ! end of left div id=jr_right div class=b_right div id = king_roombr / table border=0px cellpadding=5 cellspacing=3 width=630 ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost, root,)or die(Cannot Connect to Server); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn)or die(Cannot Select Database); $q = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM tbl_room); if(mysql_num_rows($q)! =0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($q)){ echo trtd align=centerimg src=. $r[picture]. class=banner_right. /td; echo td align=left . nbsp;h16. $r[roomtype]. /h16br. nbsp;h14. $r[description]. /h14. brbr. h912hrs: /h9. nbspnbspnbsp;h9. $r[hrs]. br. h9Daily: /h9. nbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp;h9. $r[daily]. br. h9Weekly: /h9. nbspnbsp;h9 . $r[weekly]. /h9br. h9Monthly: /h9. nbsp;h9. $r[monthly]. /h9brbr; echo center. nbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp . a href=check. php? id=. $r[id]. img src=images/pic1. png. /center; }}? /table /div/div LISTINGS html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { ar x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. alue==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat= str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitFi eld. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. alue = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript lt;! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT lt;script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. hp target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. png / Photo Gallery /h2 cen ter table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630 trtdcenter Delauxe Room /center /td/trtrtdcenter lt;a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/family/gallery3. png title= gallery3. png img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/family/gallery3. png/ /adiv id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/11. jpg title= 11. jpg img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/11. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/12. jpg title= 12. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/12. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/13. jpg title= 13. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/13. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/14. jpg title= 14. jpg img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/14. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/2. jpg title= 2. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/2. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/3. jpg title= 3. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/3. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/4. jpg title= 4. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/4. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/5. jpg title= 5. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/5. jpg / /a/divscript src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td/td/tr /table table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630tr tdcenterFamily Room /center center a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/gallery2. png title= gallery2. ng height = 200 width = 250img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/deluxe/gallery2. png/ /adiv id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png title= photo. png img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png / /aa class=vlig htbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/phot6. png title= phot6. pngimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/phot6. png / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png title= photo. ngimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png / /a/div script src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td tdcenterExecutive Room/center center a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png title= gallery. pngimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png//a div id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/4. jpg title= 4. jpg img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/4. ng/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/8. jpg title= 8. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/8. png//a a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/9. jpg title= 9. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gall ery/exe/9. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/11. jpg title= 11. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/11. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/12. jpg title= 12. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/12. ng/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/14. jpg title= 14. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/14. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/18. jpg title= 18. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/18. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/32. jpg title= 32. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/32. png/ /a/div script src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td/tr /table lt;table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630trtd centerCouples Room/center/td/trtr tdcenter a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png title= gallery. png img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png//ag t; div id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/2. jpg title= 2. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; 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var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. alue==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (e check(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false ;return true; 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Sunday, November 24, 2019

The God Father

The God Father The God Father I do appreciate many genres of movies ranging from horror, thriller, drama, apocalyptic, investigative, and others. Not at any one time, has gangster films captured my attention. It was not until I watched movies such as Good Fellas and Sopranos which I found enthralling that interest developed. Since then, my yearning for gangster films increased like that of fish to water. Recently, my friend learnt of my love for classical gangster movies which was nurturing and she recommended that I watch The God Father. My colleague rated the film as high of all times which I may not agree but will assert that it is undeniably a brilliant piece of work. After watching the movie, I baptized it The Sicilian Best. The God Father is arguably the best gangster movie ever perhaps owing to Francis Ford Coppola brilliant directing. Coppola defied the norm of capturing mafia life as a moral and social blight whose ill effects still dictates American society but rather illuminated it simply through a family saga. In his works, Coppola made use of dialogue and vivid performances by film icons to produce a bravura piece of work. Set in a post- war America era, The God Father is a modern gangster film which vividly brings out the mafia lifestyle. A fictitious clan by the name Corleone has Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brandon) Sitting at its helm. The story though revolves around Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) who as the name suggests, is Don Vitos youngest son. Michael Corlene is not only unblemished but also tragically gifted at running the family business. Vito Corleone the head of the powerful mafia family earns the name Godfather from his accolades. This reminds me of Mr. Untouchable where the much famed drug baron Nicky Burns earns the name from his foes. Michael who has earned respect as a World War 11 hero does no involve himself in family business. Unfortunately, Don Vito is gunned down by his rivals but escapes death by a whisker. Sonny (James Caan) assumes the responsibility once shouldered by his father of running the family business. However, he does not succeed due to his soft nature. This, in turn, f orces Michael to step up and protect the father he seemingly loved. This role takes Michael to a powerful world of violence his father used to tread in and never wanted any of his sons in it. This marks Michaels entry into the world of organized crime. Coppola in this film brings out a level of empathy to gangster life. He strives to construct a human level of those in organized crime. I should say he achieves to some extent through the use of family and loyalty themes. Some taboo elements are also addressed through a relationship seen between Sonnys illegitimate son Vincent and Michaels daughter Mary. In the movie, the Catholic Church association with the mobsters is also questioned. We can argue that besides exposing gangster life, Godfather addresses other moral issues. Coppola, in directing the movie in which he nearly got shot, manages to capture the glittering triumphs of movie alchemy. He combined both the old Hollywood directing techniques with the new ones which saw the success of the movie. God Fathers did more harm than good to many. Despite presenting a new world in which immorality goes unpunished, it jump started the careers of characters like Al Pacino and Robert Duvall who were to be Hollywood icons. It also salvaged Brandons image, which was waning. It is also paramount to mention that movies like Sopranos and HBO drew a lot from God Father. From the plain lands of Africa, the ever busy workforce of Asia, to the cold climate of Europe, I would recommend The God Father to every lover of films.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Political Socialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Political Socialization - Essay Example As such, this brief analysis will attempt to weigh and analyze the type of different political socialization experiences that have shaped the way in which this author engages or chooses not to engage in the political arena of our nation. The first of these factors can be traced to the fact that although I consider myself to be a believer, I do not allow my individual belief system to dictate in what way my political faith evolves. Although developmental factors have had a profound effect on the way that I engage with the world, view reality, and perceive key issues, I was fortunate in that my upbringing, to include each of the factors that have been previously listed, did not directly influence the way in which I allow my belief to influence my political views (Diemer 246). Obviously, it is impossible to say categorically that my belief system does not influence my political beliefs due to the fact that this belief system is integrally tied to the individual that I am and the way in which I approach key issues; however, I can say that as compared to many of the individuals I know who are deeply involved in politics, the level to which my belief has socialized me with respect to politics is limited. Likewise, perhaps the most important determinant to the way that I have been politicized is the experiences and formative occurrences which were a result of my childhood and the way in which my parents raised me. Although it is difficult to point to a specific example of how it took place, it is not difficult to say that due to the values and morality that my parents sought to pass on to their children, it deeply affected the way I have come to identify with politics and specifically key political issues. In this way, I would say that this socialization determinant is perhaps the most important of all (Pels et al 312). Due to the act that I have always retained a close relationship with my family, the value system which they passed on to me has remained largely intac t with respect to the way I have developed my own political thought process. In much the same vein, I consider the education that I have received to be one of the main factors that have served to socialize my interpretation of politics. Due to the fact that education helps individuals to open their world view and consider aspects of topics that they would otherwise not consider, my educational experience has served to open up topics that the other forms of political socialization I have experienced up until this point have not. It is worth noting that although one cannot consider one aspect of their upbringing and experience as necessarily more powerful than another, I would consider education to be the one factor that is perhaps even more powerful than the world-views and values that were given me by my parents. This is at least partly due to the fact that as a young person I was inspired to question my surroundings and not take things for granted. In this way, due to the fact that I grew up in a household that prided itself in freedom of thought and of expression, I was encouraged from an early age to explore and formulate my own ideas. Although all of these factors have helped to develop the way I engage in the political process, there is of course a final fact that has not been considered (Skhavat 197). This factor revolves around the previous experiences I have had and noted with regards to the political process. Oftentimes I have been told by peers and professors alike that my political views are â€Å"too jaded† for someone of my age. However, due to the fact of the experience that I have witnessed with regards to a litany of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The ghosts of Rwanda Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The ghosts of Rwanda - Movie Review Example The story was told both by the victims and the perpetrators as well as the third parties who were supposed to stop the genocide but did not do enough. The details of the horror of the genocide was encapsulated in the scene when a Tutsi woman who appealed to the Belgian journalists to take her and her companion with them to escape the attack of the Hutus. The shame of not doing enough when something could have been done was also encapsulated by an American diplomat who said that it was America’s bad taste not to do enough when people were being massacred. General Romeo Dallaire Commander of the UN Peacekeeping Mission also regretted that 800,000 people died in the genocide that he cannot find solace with the statement that he tried his best. Kofi Anan, the UN Secretary General during that time was also one of the resource person for the interview but his reaction portrayed the indecisiveness of the UN as he advised General Dallaire not to engage when it was already apparent tha t the Hutus are bent on sabotaging the peace process. He even advised to share intelligence with the Hutu dominated government who was bent on ending the peace process. The information and probably the lasting impact that the film left to its audience is how ugly and atrocious genocide and extremism is. The killing spree used not only guns but also machetes that spared no one including the Prime Minister. It was so barbaric that the Rwandan genocide in 1995 will probably go down in history as one of the most revolting civil war in mankind’s history. The films that ethnic hatred, when go unchecked can go on a killing spree killing even the highest official in the land (Rwandan President’s plane was shot by a missile and the Prime Minister attacked in her home despite UN security forces). And probably, one of the information given by the film that is as revolting as genocide is the racism exercised by the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24

Business Law - Essay Example If there are intensions to incorporate the business then one has to confirm with the state filing office whether the name has already been claimed or it’s in use. The companies can share a name if the other businesses offer different services and goods and also located in different regions (Minniti, 2008). The name of the business should be rich in words which reflect the business functions. In the social media the name of the business should be claimed early enough in the naming process. Registering the business name should involve the process which is known as DBA trade name or name. This process does not provide the protection of the company’s trademark but it allows the government to record that the business is done as a name other than a personal name (Minniti, 2008). As the company’s owners we should apply for trademark protection since the name is the most valuable asset in any business. The company should comply with the food laws regarding the manufacturing of ice cream in the U.S. The company is based on the FDA food code 2009: chapter 3 which states that all food should be unadulterated, safe and honestly presented (Curtis, 2013). The American law also states that milk products such as ice cream should comply with Grade A Standards, the law specifies that frozen milk products like ice cream should be obtained pasteurized and this is specified in 21 CFR 135- frozen desserts. The law as well states that the food packages should be in excellent condition in order to preserve the integrity of the product and ensure that the contents are not exposed potential contaminants and adulteration. The company will also comply with the consumer protection and food allergen labelling act of 2004 which stresses all the ingredients of the products to be stated clearly in normal names that are well known to customer to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Leisure Time And Cultural Values Of Biodiversity Environmental Sciences Essay

Leisure Time And Cultural Values Of Biodiversity Environmental Sciences Essay Many people derive value from biodiversity through leisure activities such as hiking, birdwatching or natural history study. Biodiversity has inspired musicians, painters, sculptors, writers and other artists. Many culture groups view themselves as an integral part of the natural world and show respect for other living organisms. Popular activities such as gardening, fishkeeping and specimen collecting strongly depend on biodiversity. The number of species involved in such pursuits is in the tens of thousands, though the majority do not enter mainstream commerce. The relationships between the original natural areas of these often exotic animals and plants and commercial collectors, suppliers, breeders, propagators and those who promote their understanding and enjoyment are complex and poorly understood. It seems clear, however, that the general public responds well to exposure to rare and unusual organisms-they recognize their inherent value at some level. A family outing to the botanical garden or zoo is as much an aesthetic and cultural experience as an educational one. Philosophically it could be argued that biodiversity has intrinsic aesthetic and spiritual value to mankind in and of itself. This idea can be used as a counterweight to the notion that tropical forests and other ecological realms are only worthy of conservation because of the services they provide. Key words:Biodiversity;leisure,aesthetic Introduction Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or on an entire planet. Biodiversity is one measure of the health of biological systems. Life on Earth today consists of many millions of distinct biological species. The year 2010 was declared the International Year of Biodiversity. Biodiversity is not consistent across the Earth. It is consistently rich in the tropics and in specific regions such as the Cape Floristic Province; it is less rich in polar regions where conditions support much less biomass. Rapid environmental changes typically cause extinctions.[1] 99.9Â  percent of species that have existed on Earth are now extinct.[2] Since life began on Earth, five major mass extinctions have led to large and sudden drops in Earthly biodiversity. The Phanerozoic eon (the last 540 million years) marked a rapid growth in biodiversity in the Cambrian explosion-a period during which nearly every phylum of multicellular organisms first appeared. The next 400 million years was distinguished by periodic, massive biodiversity losses classified as mass extinction events. The most recent, the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, occurred 65Â  million years ago, and has attracted more attention than all others because it killed the nonavian dinosaurs.[3] The term was used first by wildlife scientist and conservationist Raymond F. Dasmann in a lay book[4] advocating conservation. The term was widely adopted only after more than a decade, when in the 1980s it came into common usage in science and environmental policy. Use of the term by Thomas Lovejoy, in the foreword to the book Conservation Biology,[5] introduced the term to the scientific community. Until then the term natural diversity was common, including by The Science Division of The Nature Conservancy in an important 1975 study, The Preservation of Natural Diversity. By the early 1980s TNCs Science program and its head, Robert E. Jenkins,[6] Lovejoy and other leading conservation scientists at the time in America advocated the use of biological diversity. The terms contracted form biodiversity may have been coined by W.G. Rosen in 1985 while planning the National Forum on Biological Diversity organized by the National Research Council (NRC) which was to be held in 1986, and first appeared in a publication in 1988 when entomologist E. O. Wilson used it as the title of the proceedings[7] of that forum.[8] Human benefits Biodiversity supports a number of natural ecosystem processes and services.[10] Some ecosystem services that benefit society are air quality,[11] climate (e.g., CO2 sequestration), water purification, pollination, and prevention of erosion.[11] Since the stone age, species loss has accelerated above the prior rate, driven by human activity. The exact rate is uncertain, but it has been estimated that species are now being lost at a rate approximately 100 times as fast as is typical in the fossil record, or perhaps as high as 10,000 times as fast.[12] Land is being transformed from wilderness into agricultural, mining, lumbering and urban areas for humans. Non-material benefits include spiritual and aesthetic values, knowledge systems and the value of education..[9] Human health Biodiversitys relevance to human health is becoming an international political issue, as scientific evidence builds on the global health implications of biodiversity loss.[13][14][15] This issue is closely linked with the issue of climate change,[17] as many of the anticipated health risks of climate change are associated with changes in biodiversity (e.g. changes in populations and distribution of disease vectors, scarcity of fresh water, impacts on agricultural biodiversity and food resources etc.) Some of the health issues influenced by biodiversity include dietary health and nutrition security, infectious diseases, medical science and medicinal resources, social and psychological health.[18] One of the key health issues associated with biodiversity is that of drug discovery and the availability of medicinal resources.[19] A significant proportion of drugs are derived, directly or indirectly, from biological sources; At least 50% of the pharmaceutical compounds on the US market are derived from compounds found in plants, animals, and microorganisms, while about 80% of the world population depends on medicines from nature (used in either modern or traditional medical practice) for primary healthcare.[14] Moreover, only a tiny proportion of the total diversity of wild species has been investigated for medical potential. Through the field of bionics, considerable advancement has occurred which would not have occurred without rich biodiversity. It has been argued, based on evidence from market analysis and biodiversity science, that the decline in output from the pharmaceutical sector since the mid-1980s can be attributed to a move away from natural product exploration (biopr ospecting) in favor of genomics and synthetic chemistry, neither of which have yielded the expected breakthroughs; meanwhile, natural products have a long history of supporting significant economic and health innovation.[20][21] Marine ecosystems are of particular interest in this regard,[22] although inappropriate bioprospecting has the potential to degrade ecosystems and increase biodiversity loss, as well as impacting the rights of the communities and states from which the resources are taken.[23][24][25]. Conservation of biodiversity Conservation biology matured in the mid- 20th century as ecologists, naturalists, and other scientists began to collectively research and address issues pertaining to global declines in biodiversity.[26][27][28] The conservation ethic differs from the preservationist ethic, originally led by John Muir, that seeks protected areas devoid of human exploitation or interference for profit.[27] The conservation ethic advocates management of natural resources for the purpose of sustaining biodiversity in species, ecosystems, the evolutionary process, and human culture and society. [26][28][29][30] Conservation biology is reforming around strategic plans that include principles, guidelines, and tools for the purpose of protecting biodiversity.[26][31][32] Conservation biology is crisis-oriented and multi-disciplinary, including ecology, social organization, education, and other disciplines outside of biology.[26][28] Preserving biodiversity is a global priority in strategic conservation plans that are designed to engage public policy and concerns affecting local, regional and global scales of communities, ecosystems, and cultures.[32] Action plans identify ways of sustaining human well-being, employing natural capital, market capital, and ecosystem services.[33][34] and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Strategies for biodiversity Strategically, focusing on areas of higher potential biodiversity promises greater return on investment than spreading conservation resources evenly or in areas of little diversity but greater interest in the conservation. A second strategy focuses on areas that retain most of their original diversity. These are typically non-urbanized, non-agricultural areas. Tropical areas often fit both sets of criteria, given their natively high diversity and relative lack of development.[35] However, many animal species are migratory, meaning that focusing only on specific locations is insufficient. Wildlife corridors can help support migration, and is considerably cheaper and easier than clearing/preserving entirely new areas. Some habitats may require restoration before standard conservation techniques can be effective. Conclusions Popular activities such as gardening, fishkeeping and specimen collecting strongly depend on biodiversity. The number of species involved in such pursuits is in the tens of thousands, though the majority do not enter mainstream commerce. The relationships between the original natural areas of these often exotic animals and plants and commercial collectors, suppliers, breeders, propagators and those who promote their understanding and enjoyment are complex and poorly understood. It seems clear, however, that the general public responds well to exposure to rare and unusual organisms-they recognize their inherent value at some level. A family outing to the botanical garden or zoo is as much an aesthetic and cultural experience as an educational one. Philosophically it could be argued that biodiversity has intrinsic aesthetic and spiritual value to mankind in and of itself. This idea can be used as a counterweight to the notion that tropical forests and other ecological realms are only worthy of conservation because of the services they provide.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Its Time to Reform American Health Care :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Health care advancements in America are notably the best in the world. We continually strive for preventions and cures of diseases. America has the best medical scientists and physicians that specialize in their medical fields. According to Joseph A. Califano Jr. (2003), "what makes America health care system great is its ability to attract the finest minds in our society," that can help the sick by preventing and curing medical complications. (p. 18). We are noted worldwide for our medical care and physicians from other countries jump at the opportunity to join the American medical system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, our system is based on money. The more money you have to spend, the better medical services you will receive. ?According to the Bureau of Labor education at the university of main (2003), America spends more money oh health care than any other nation, "$4,178 per capita on health care in 1998?, compared to the average of $1,783. (BLE., 2003, p.23). Still an estimated "42.5 million Americans are living without health insurance", which prevents them from receiving medical treatment. (Climan, Scharff, 2003, p.33). The numbers of un-insured Americans continue to rise. Tim Middleton (2002) states, ?insurance premiums grow at a rate greater than wages,? when you have a low-income job. ( ¶ 9). With our current economy recession, taxes are rising and small business employers are unable to purchase health plans for their employees. Employees are realizing that they are unable to gain insurance from their jobs and beginning to speak out about the high price of he alth care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American Medical Student Association (2004) stated that ?Between 1945 and 1970, America?s economy was strong and booming?, they owned about 60% of the world profit.? ( ¶13). During this time employers were able to cover their employees and the employers were also able to ?write off the health insurance as tax-deductibles for the company.?(AMSA, 2004,  ¶ 11 ). As time progressed our economy began to unravel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the 70?s the world entered a recession because ?the cost of economic growth of other industrialized nations began to rise rapidly?, the United States felt the effect. (AMSA, 2004,  ¶ 14). With the development of other nations, came lose of industrial production for the United States of America. American Medical Student Association (2004) stated ?In 1950 we had 60% and by 1980 we only claimed 30% of the world production?, this brought higher prices as well as loses of jobs.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Weekly Journal Week:______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Guide Questions (after the training/internship) 1. What specific additional skills have you learned this month? 2. Describe your experiences with regards to guests relation. II: Learning Experiences (Realization about the Training)  ¦ Is your establishment is highly recommended as an avenue of training for the incoming practicumers? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ III: Evaluation: 1. How your internship/training contributed to your personal goals? Did your career goals change as a result of the training? 2.Discuss any special and or additional skills you acquired during your training that you didnt already have. IV: Appendices:  ¦ Pictures while on duty with caption & explanation  ¦ Photocopy of certificates  ¦ Performance Evaluation Form to fill out by the immediate supervisor/manager (should be properly sealed & hand carry by the practicumer after the training)  ¦ Timecard (photocopy)  ¦ Certificate of training (photocopy) F ormat of Monthly Journal (Min of 10 pages, font century gothic #12 double space, Use font 14 for the sub title soft bind) Grading System of Monthly Journal Organization of thoughts (format, style, technique)10%Content (completeness of information)20% Visual Presentation (pictures, forms)10% Analysis (critical evaluation)20% Recommendation (Feasible courses of action)20% Attitude/Punctuality 10% Neatness (presentation, cleanliness)10% 100% (Cover Page of Practicum Report) Our Lady of Fatima University College of Hospitality & Institutional Management Quezon City SUPERVISED WORK EXPERIENCED PROGRAM A Restaurant/Hotel Practicum Report At (Name and Logo of Establishment) (Address) TRAINING PERIOD: From Month, Date, Year to Month, Date, Year In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the CourseSupervised Work Experience Program For a degree in Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management Submitted By: Complete Name of Student Address, Contact Number Submitted to: Your Practic um Adviser Submitted on: Date of Submission (Century Gothis, Double spece 12) Grading System of Monthly Journal Organization (format, style, technique)10% Content (completeness of information)20% Visual Aids (pictures, forms)10% Analysis (critical evaluation)20% Recommendation (Feasible courses of action)20% Punctuality (submission is 1 month after)10% Neatness (presentation, cleanliness)10% 100%

Friday, November 8, 2019

Systems in Earth Abides essays

Systems in Earth Abides essays In George R. Stewarts novel Earth Abides, a vivid and highly detailed future of society is painted. After a fast spreading and fast acting disease has all but destroyed civilization, seemingly infecting nothing but humans, only a few survivors are left to live on and determine the future of the human race. But how will the once stable ecosystem of an entire planet react to such a drastic change as the end of civilization as we know it? To answer this question it is important to understand the many concepts and processes involved in systems. First, it is imperative to understand what a system is. A system is a structured set of components which are related to each other and which operate together as a complex whole. There are several types of systems, with the most common being open and closed systems. Consider the desert in chapter 3. As an example of an open system, that is, one in which both energy and materials pass through the system, the materials passing through are the humans and their chips of stone and roads, while the energy could be the wind blowing through. It becomes a closed system, that is, one in which only energy passes through, when the human intervention ceased, and all that is left was the wind (although technically grains of sand could be carried out of the system). Initially after the fall, little changed. For example, the novels main character, Isherwood Williams, henceforth referred to as Ish, was on an almost hermetic research retreat at the beginning of the novel, and thus knows nothing of the plague until he heads into town one day. Upon his first contacts with abandoned homes, there is so little changed that he thinks nothing of it other than perhaps the inhabitants are on vacation, or at a baseball game. As time began to pass, however, the full effect of the loss of civilization on the environment began to be felt. Dogs and cats that had been left in kennels or ho...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Manage Your Blog the CoSchedule Way - CoSchedule

How to Manage Your Blog the Way Running a high-traffic blog isn’t easy. It takes a lot of persistence to build and retain a loyal audience. Just getting started can feel like pushing a boulder up a mountain. Then, once your blog does start to grow, the day-to-day work of managing content and deadlines only becomes more challenging. So, how do you do it? That’s a question we get asked a lot, and there’s no short and simple answer. However, we can share our own strategies and processes we use to manage our own blog. In this post, we’ll let you in on how we successfully manage a blog that receives over one million page views a month. How to Manage Your Blog the WayStart By Getting Your Ideation Process Together Ideas are a dime a dozen. It’s good that they’re so cheap and plentiful though. You’re going to need a lot of them to keep your content calendar full. You don’t want just any ideas though. You want tons of ideas for blog posts you know people will want to read. Now, getting those kinds of ideas  is easier said than done. Sure, everyone has ideas. Ideas are also completely worthless until you put them into practice and see what they can do. But, when you’re under pressure, generating ideas worth acting on can be tough without a solid process in place. Here at , we use what we call our 30-minute brainstorming process. It’s broken down into three phases: Ideation. Get your team together and spend ten minutes writing down every idea you can think of. Scoring. Spend another ten minutes scoring each idea on a three-point scale. Three’s are ideas you just have to publish. Two’s are average. One’s are duds. Winner optimization. This is where you take every post that everyone agreed was a three, and ask yourselves, â€Å"Which of these ideas should we go with?† By the time you’re done, you’ll have around a month’s worth of ideas for your blog. Run this process once a month, and could  spend just six hours a year on brainstorming. That’s what we call efficiency. Once you’ve got your ideas down, put them straight on your content calendar. That way, they won’t get lost. You’ll also quickly have a plan in place for what you’ll write, and when. Recommended Reading: The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Planning Out Themes Sometimes, if we need content on a specific area or topic, we’ll go into our brainstorming meetings with a particular theme in mind. This can help keep the meeting focused and structured while making sure we end up with the content we need. Some examples of themes might include: Posts on how to complete particular tasks Posts that appeal to particular segments of our audience Posts that target readers at certain skill levels Posts around certain seasonal themes A theme just needs to be a batch of content that’s all wrapped around one core topic. These are just some ideas you can borrow, but you can certainly think of more. Adding Additional Content Beyond our core educational blog posts, we also have the following types of posts: Feature announcements Event announcements Company news Webinar and demo recap videos When we know that a feature is launching, we add complementary posts to the calendar right away. The same goes for demos and webinars that we have planned. That way, we’re able to keep everything orderly and organized. Recommended Reading: 5 Minute Tip: Organize Your Calendar With s Content Types Assigning Content to Team Members Once we’ve got all our ideas on the calendar, the next step is to figure out who will write them. We save a lot of time on this process by pre-determining who will write particular types of posts. Here’s how we have things broken down: Posts about our product fall on our Product Marketers Educational how-to posts fall on our Blog Manager (yo, that’s me) or Content Marketers Anything that helps show to use falls on our Customer Success team Posts about our culture and philosophies fall on whoever is best suited to write them (sometimes that’s a marketer, and sometimes that’s our CEO and co-founder, Garrett Moon) As you can see, content isn’t just the responsibility of one single content team. Instead, we assign content to the person most qualified to write a particular type of piece. That helps us maintain a high publishing volume while adding more voices and perspectives to our blog. Content isnt just the responsibility of one single team.Keeping Ideas Organized We have a two-pronged approach to keeping our content calendar organized: Certain types of blog posts always publish on certain days of the week All our blog posts are color-coded by category The keys here are simplicity and consistency. Here’s a quick look at our publishing schedule: Mondays: Content and Social Media Category Posts Tuesdays: Product Promotion Posts, New Podcast Episodes Wednesdays: Content and Social Media Category Posts Thursdays: Product Demo Videos and Culture Posts Fridays: Content and Social Media Category Posts We’ll add other things in from time to time, but this weekly schedule stays mostly consistent week to week. We then color-code posts like this: Gray: Content and Social Media Category Posts Purple: Product Posts Magenta: Culture Posts Teal: Product Demo Videos Blue: Podcast Episodes That’s all there is to it. Keeping these two things straight helps prevent our calendar from descending into chaos (and ensure that I don’t lose my mind). Heres how to prevent your #content #calendar from descending into chaos.Managing Guest Writers That covers how we handle blog content internally. What about managing guest authors, though?  Weve got a process for that, too. Create a Detailed Write For Us Page It’s frustrating for editors and blog managers to get pitches that fail to follow simple directions. One way to get ahead of this problem to write a detailed Write For Us page. For an example, here’s ours. Be sure to include: Your style standards. This includes how you want documents formatted. You might even consider providing readers with a content template to follow. How you want posts delivered to you. Google Docs? Microsoft Word? Whatever your preference is, let people know. Your policy on linking. Can guest authors include links back to their own content? Whether or not you’ll respond to every pitch. In the interest of saving time, we only respond to pitches we accept. If you follow a similar approach, give people a time frame on how quickly you’ll get back to them. Which topics you’re looking for. You might also want to specify topics you won’t cover, too. How long you’d like posts to be. Give people a range. Whether or not you’ll accept pre-written posts. This will save you and your writers a lot of time. Managing guest writers on your blog? Here are some tips to manage your process.Determine How Pitches Should Be Submitted Our Write For Us page includes a link to a simple Google Form for prospective writers to pitch us through. If you receive a high volume of pitches, submission management software like Submittable  might be a better option. It isn’t free, but their prices are reasonable, and their service offers several benefits: It lets writers know when you’re reviewing their pitch (and whether they’ve been accepted or rejected). It keeps all your pitches organized in one place. It has a more professional look and feel. Another option is to set up a specific email address for submissions and include a link on your Write For Us page. Whichever approach you go with, make sure you ask for the following information: Name Email Address Company / Job Title Links to Previous Work Target Keyword (Optional) Blog Post Idea Summary Prospective Blog Post Outline (Optional) Time Required to Write We’ve found that asking guest authors to provide a target keyword and outline up front helps save a ton of time in the long run. It also shows us whether or not a writer really knows what they want to cover before we accept their pitch. In turn, that can cut down on editing time later. Asking how long they’ll spend writing their post also helps us set clear deadlines. You don’t have time to twiddle your thumbs nor hound writers when their posts don’t show up. Hold them accountable for getting stuff done on time. Hold guest writers accountable for getting stuff done on time.Set Your Acceptance Criteria We have certain standards for our blog that determine which content we’ll accept. For us, guest blog posts must be: Actionable. If a post tells readers what to do, it should show them how to do it, too. Comprehensive. No details should be omitted. Readers should be able to read one post and come away with an in-depth understanding of that topic. Keyword-driven. We don’t overly stress keywords, but there should be a thoughtful strategy behind the keywords a post targets. Topical. All posts must focus on a topic our core audience is interested in. If a pitch doesn’t convey the end result will meet all four of these pillars, it goes in the trash and we move on. Ruthless efficiency wins the day and ensures we only publish the best content we can. Recommended Reading: How to Write a Pitch Email That Will Get Your Guest Post Accepted Determine what successful content looks like to you and accept nothing less. If you consistently deliver quality content, your audience will reward you with their attention, and more reputable writers will want to work with you. Editing Guest Content Determine upfront how much editing you’ll do on guest content. Some editors and blog managers like to offer writers extensive feedback to help them improve their skills and work. Others prefer to handle edits on their own. Whichever approach you choose, we recommend using collaborative writing tools (like Google Docs or the cloud-based version of Microsoft Word) for easy real-time editing. It makes passing along edits and suggestions much easier than emailing documents back and forth. How Will You Manage Your Blog? That covers our blog management process from start to finish. Do you have any questions or tips you’d like to add? Leave us a comment below and help get the conversation started. How to Manage Your Blog the Way Running a high-traffic blog isn’t easy. It takes a lot of persistence to build and retain a loyal audience. Just getting started can feel like pushing a boulder up a mountain. Then, once your blog does start to grow, the day-to-day work of managing content and deadlines only becomes more challenging. So, how do you do it? That’s a question we get asked a lot, and there’s no short and simple answer. However, we can share our own strategies and processes we use to manage our own blog. In this post, we’ll let you in on how we successfully manage a blog that receives over one million page views a month. How to Manage Your Blog the WayStart By Getting Your Ideation Process Together Ideas are a dime a dozen. It’s good that they’re so cheap and plentiful though. You’re going to need a lot of them to keep your content calendar full. You don’t want just any ideas though. You want tons of ideas for blog posts you know people will want to read. Now, getting those kinds of ideas  is easier said than done. Sure, everyone has ideas. Ideas are also completely worthless until you put them into practice and see what they can do. But, when you’re under pressure, generating ideas worth acting on can be tough without a solid process in place. Here at , we use what we call our 30-minute brainstorming process. It’s broken down into three phases: Ideation. Get your team together and spend ten minutes writing down every idea you can think of. Scoring. Spend another ten minutes scoring each idea on a three-point scale. Three’s are ideas you just have to publish. Two’s are average. One’s are duds. Winner optimization. This is where you take every post that everyone agreed was a three, and ask yourselves, â€Å"Which of these ideas should we go with?† By the time you’re done, you’ll have around a month’s worth of ideas for your blog. Run this process once a month, and could  spend just six hours a year on brainstorming. That’s what we call efficiency. Once you’ve got your ideas down, put them straight on your content calendar. That way, they won’t get lost. You’ll also quickly have a plan in place for what you’ll write, and when. Recommended Reading: The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Planning Out Themes Sometimes, if we need content on a specific area or topic, we’ll go into our brainstorming meetings with a particular theme in mind. This can help keep the meeting focused and structured while making sure we end up with the content we need. Some examples of themes might include: Posts on how to complete particular tasks Posts that appeal to particular segments of our audience Posts that target readers at certain skill levels Posts around certain seasonal themes A theme just needs to be a batch of content that’s all wrapped around one core topic. These are just some ideas you can borrow, but you can certainly think of more. Adding Additional Content Beyond our core educational blog posts, we also have the following types of posts: Feature announcements Event announcements Company news Webinar and demo recap videos When we know that a feature is launching, we add complementary posts to the calendar right away. The same goes for demos and webinars that we have planned. That way, we’re able to keep everything orderly and organized. Recommended Reading: 5 Minute Tip: Organize Your Calendar With s Content Types Assigning Content to Team Members Once we’ve got all our ideas on the calendar, the next step is to figure out who will write them. We save a lot of time on this process by pre-determining who will write particular types of posts. Here’s how we have things broken down: Posts about our product fall on our Product Marketers Educational how-to posts fall on our Blog Manager (yo, that’s me) or Content Marketers Anything that helps show to use falls on our Customer Success team Posts about our culture and philosophies fall on whoever is best suited to write them (sometimes that’s a marketer, and sometimes that’s our CEO and co-founder, Garrett Moon) As you can see, content isn’t just the responsibility of one single content team. Instead, we assign content to the person most qualified to write a particular type of piece. That helps us maintain a high publishing volume while adding more voices and perspectives to our blog. Content isnt just the responsibility of one single team.Keeping Ideas Organized We have a two-pronged approach to keeping our content calendar organized: Certain types of blog posts always publish on certain days of the week All our blog posts are color-coded by category The keys here are simplicity and consistency. Here’s a quick look at our publishing schedule: Mondays: Content and Social Media Category Posts Tuesdays: Product Promotion Posts, New Podcast Episodes Wednesdays: Content and Social Media Category Posts Thursdays: Product Demo Videos and Culture Posts Fridays: Content and Social Media Category Posts We’ll add other things in from time to time, but this weekly schedule stays mostly consistent week to week. We then color-code posts like this: Gray: Content and Social Media Category Posts Purple: Product Posts Magenta: Culture Posts Teal: Product Demo Videos Blue: Podcast Episodes That’s all there is to it. Keeping these two things straight helps prevent our calendar from descending into chaos (and ensure that I don’t lose my mind). Heres how to prevent your #content #calendar from descending into chaos.Managing Guest Writers That covers how we handle blog content internally. What about managing guest authors, though?  Weve got a process for that, too. Create a Detailed Write For Us Page It’s frustrating for editors and blog managers to get pitches that fail to follow simple directions. One way to get ahead of this problem to write a detailed Write For Us page. For an example, here’s ours. Be sure to include: Your style standards. This includes how you want documents formatted. You might even consider providing readers with a content template to follow. How you want posts delivered to you. Google Docs? Microsoft Word? Whatever your preference is, let people know. Your policy on linking. Can guest authors include links back to their own content? Whether or not you’ll respond to every pitch. In the interest of saving time, we only respond to pitches we accept. If you follow a similar approach, give people a time frame on how quickly you’ll get back to them. Which topics you’re looking for. You might also want to specify topics you won’t cover, too. How long you’d like posts to be. Give people a range. Whether or not you’ll accept pre-written posts. This will save you and your writers a lot of time. Managing guest writers on your blog? Here are some tips to manage your process.Determine How Pitches Should Be Submitted Our Write For Us page includes a link to a simple Google Form for prospective writers to pitch us through. If you receive a high volume of pitches, submission management software like Submittable  might be a better option. It isn’t free, but their prices are reasonable, and their service offers several benefits: It lets writers know when you’re reviewing their pitch (and whether they’ve been accepted or rejected). It keeps all your pitches organized in one place. It has a more professional look and feel. Another option is to set up a specific email address for submissions and include a link on your Write For Us page. Whichever approach you go with, make sure you ask for the following information: Name Email Address Company / Job Title Links to Previous Work Target Keyword (Optional) Blog Post Idea Summary Prospective Blog Post Outline (Optional) Time Required to Write We’ve found that asking guest authors to provide a target keyword and outline up front helps save a ton of time in the long run. It also shows us whether or not a writer really knows what they want to cover before we accept their pitch. In turn, that can cut down on editing time later. Asking how long they’ll spend writing their post also helps us set clear deadlines. You don’t have time to twiddle your thumbs nor hound writers when their posts don’t show up. Hold them accountable for getting stuff done on time. Hold guest writers accountable for getting stuff done on time.Set Your Acceptance Criteria We have certain standards for our blog that determine which content we’ll accept. For us, guest blog posts must be: Actionable. If a post tells readers what to do, it should show them how to do it, too. Comprehensive. No details should be omitted. Readers should be able to read one post and come away with an in-depth understanding of that topic. Keyword-driven. We don’t overly stress keywords, but there should be a thoughtful strategy behind the keywords a post targets. Topical. All posts must focus on a topic our core audience is interested in. If a pitch doesn’t convey the end result will meet all four of these pillars, it goes in the trash and we move on. Ruthless efficiency wins the day and ensures we only publish the best content we can. Recommended Reading: How to Write a Pitch Email That Will Get Your Guest Post Accepted Determine what successful content looks like to you and accept nothing less. If you consistently deliver quality content, your audience will reward you with their attention, and more reputable writers will want to work with you. Editing Guest Content Determine upfront how much editing you’ll do on guest content. Some editors and blog managers like to offer writers extensive feedback to help them improve their skills and work. Others prefer to handle edits on their own. Whichever approach you choose, we recommend using collaborative writing tools (like Google Docs or the cloud-based version of Microsoft Word) for easy real-time editing. It makes passing along edits and suggestions much easier than emailing documents back and forth. How Will You Manage Your Blog? That covers our blog management process from start to finish. Do you have any questions or tips you’d like to add? Leave us a comment below and help get the conversation started.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Twitter, the Micro blogging Website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Twitter, the Micro blogging Website - Essay Example This essay provides reader detailed instruction on how to sign up and what to expect from Twitter. Many Twitter terms also mentioned and explained by author, such as account, follower, tweet, retweet and like. Social component also described very well, celebrities are likely to attract more followers than people who are less famous. It is thus, a useful tool for celebrities to connect with their fans and understand their tastes. Celebrities like Justin Bieber and Prianka Chopra are also mentioned, they constantly update their accounts and are able to stay in touch with fans by posting messages and pictures. Twitter has become so popular amongst people that it is one of the major media that is used by the high and the mighty in the world of media, news and entertainment. Even in third world countries where the density of internet users may not be as much as the ones in Europe and North America, Twitter is a very important phenomenon.This in itself points to the popularity of twitter all over the world. Twitter thus has a role to play in channelizing revolution and strikes in different parts of the world as well. Twitter and other such social networking sites have been criticized for the sense of virtual reality that they create and the inability that many people have to come out of it into what we term reality, author states. However, it can be used as a platform where diverse people can come together and share their opinions and aspects of their lives that they may not have been able to as a result of the compulsions of time and space.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Environmental Science IP2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Science IP2 - Essay Example High birth rates are due to lack of family planning as methods such as the use of contraceptives are discouraged or people lack information about them. The stage is further characterized by high mortality rates which normally arise from the prevalence of communicable diseases. Poor hygienic conditions which are marked by lack of clean water and improper means of waste disposal is another key factor in this stage. The second phase is marked with a decline in death rate due to improved medical care, proper sanitation and increased availability of food while birth rates still remain high. This stage is also referred to as early expanding stage. Improvement of food capacity backed up by proper storage equipment enables people to live longer until they attain adulthood. There is high fertility rate especially in rural areas where people give birth to very many children hence increased birth rates. This stage is marked by a decreasing trend in the rate of births while mortality rate tends to remain constant. The decrease in birth rate arises when people begin to take up birth control measures such as the use of contraceptives so that they can be able to cope up with the rising standards of living especially in the urban centers. This period is also termed late expanding owing to the fact that the economic status is on the rise. The phase is marked by stabilization in the population in which an equilibrium level between birth rate and death rate has been achieved. This is a typical case of developed economies that have attained low stationery economic growth. The death rates are extremely low due to proper health care while the birth rates are low due to population policies that have been set up by the government to control population. Factors that lead to decline in crude birth rates includes the acceptance of birth control measures, enactment of legislations that are aimed at controlling birth rates while those that lead to decrease in